Bu4Inno events in support of agri and food entreprenurship in Thessaloniki


The team of Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre actively took part in the Bu4Inno ctoss-border project events: networking, business competition between project participants and bootcamp in Thessaloniki, organized by the Greek partners in the project - CERTH/ Institute of Applied Biosciences and University of Macedonia/ (BSOS).

The program was saturated with many meetings and experience sharing: with representatives of the University of Macedonia for a discussion about the accelerating business program which will be launched soon, as well as "Lifelong learning" business programs, international exchange and internship under Erasmus+, with university professors to share experiences and discuss further cooperation; with scientists and representatives of the Center for Research and Technology CERTH about the research they do in support of agriculture and the food industry.



The team met with representatives of companies and business associations that are developing new products and looking for innovative solutions with the support of the participants in the business competition under the Bu4Inno project.


Very interesting and fruitful was also the visit to the First Circular Economy Forum, where representatives of businesses, ministries, regions and public authorities offer innovative solutions, test models, share experiences and look for future cooperation.


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